PANAta Awards 2021 moves brands towards ‘Hilaraya’

Cognizant of the challenges brands and marketing organizations face these unprecedented times, the Philippine Association of National Advertisers (PANA) is even more determined to recognize brands that have made an impact on the market despite the hurdles.  The PANAta Awards 2021, which is now open for entries, celebrates outstanding Philippine marketing communication campaigns and their advertisers and their commitment to crafting creative, innovative and effective materials which help in the development of a value laden culture and nation.

This year’s theme, Hilaraya, conveys the message of moving forward together toward new and brighter realities. In view of this, the PANAta Awards 2021 highlights these categories. 

Gawad Pandayon categories

The Gawad Pandayon categories, which were added last year amid the sudden impact of the pandemic, revolve around efforts by brands to adapt to the changing market landscape and trying times while also making an impact on the community. These categories recognize a brand’s bold yet calculated and sensitive strategies that make an impactful campaign. 

The Gawad Pandayon Awards honor brand builders that have effectively pivoted their business to respond to a distressed consumer and a challenged economy. The Gawad Pandayon categories will each recognize three top campaigns that will receive bronze, silver and gold recognitions. 

The first category is the Gawad Pandayon – Courage. This is awarded to brands whose messaging rallied people to a cause or advocacy related to pandemic response.  Gawad Pandayon – Creative Effectiveness recognizes brands that managed to balance creativity in their messaging and execution while achieving strategic business goals. These are campaigns that resulted in a rise in business numbers. 

Lastly, the Gawad Pandayon – Authenticity lauds brands that went beyond messages of sympathy and demonstrated actual benefits to their target market. Campaigns under this category must portray how brands have effectively aided their identified constituents and show the actual results of such efforts. 


Most Effective Single Medium

The Most Effective Single Medium category recognizes campaigns that demonstrate creative and effective use of a particular medium/platform. Entries must show that it is because of the strategic use of the SPECIFIC MEDIUM that the brand and business objectives are achieved. 

There are four categories – TV Category, Radio Category, Print Category and Digital Category. The most outstanding campaigns will win bronze, silver and gold trophies. Both the brand and the medium or platform will be receiving an award. 

Brand Builder of the Year

The Brand Builder of the Year is for brand and marketing heads or chief marketing officers whose business creativity and innovative efforts have made an impact in the brand building industry. Their demeanor echoes the values of PANA such as excellence in marketing and responsible brand building. In addition, the nominee must have demonstrated their direct role and leadership in a brand’s development, enhancement, turnaround or growth as reflected by brand impact and business results.  

He/she must also be involved in the promotion of brand building outside of the organization through speaking engagements, publication, outreach, or other marketing and brand related community efforts. Nominees must be at least 2 years in his/her current company working as head of marketing/brand or CMO and at least 5 years in the industry. Only companies whose campaigns have been shortlisted will be invited to nominate candidates for this category.

“We witnessed how marketing professionals continue to up their game in this unprecedented time. As we continue our brand building advocacy through a virtual awards night, PANA embodies Hilaraya by moving forward,” shares Ken Lerona, PANAta Awards 2021 chair. 

To learn more about the requirements and mechanics of the PANAta Awards 2021, visit or scan the QR code. Qualified entries are those that have been aired or used in any form of media from January 2020 to December 2020. Register by creating your PANAta Awards 2021 accounts now! Submission of entries is until September 10, 2021. 

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